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金融科技新世界——加密货币崛起 A World of Cryptocurrencies

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陈进融Justin Tan, 杨恩赐David Yang, 林泰伟 David Lim

David Justin Academy 由陈进融Justin Tan、杨恩赐David Yang 以及林泰伟David Lim创办。他们 是来自商业、资讯及科技相关背景的三名好友。
主要研究加密货币交易的策略及方程式,以确保风险最低时投资,以先不输再来赢的模式,把加密货 币企业的相关信息和知识传授给其他人, 帮助他人赚取平时赚不到的财富。 

David Justin Academy was founded by Justin Tan, David Yang and David Lim. They are best friends from the common business, information and technology background.
They mainly study the strategies and equations of cryptocurrency trading. Based on the concept of not losing first and winning back later, they ensure that the investment is made at the lowest risk, as well as spread the knowledge and related information about cryptocurrency, helping people to earn the unusual wealth.


第一个加密货币——比特币出现至今都已经11年了, 如今还有人怀疑它是个骗局。 全球已超过100个国家都合法了。 有些都已经用于平时交易,为什么还认为是骗局呢?
为什么不来了解才断定? 我们时常都能听到加密货币的消息, 但是我们一直都不了解。
那现在就让David Justin Academy 的三位创办人 带你掌握加密货币领域的趋势, 带你了解加密货币领域的知识。
学会避开风险,瞄准投资时机。 透过教育的方式,带领你投资正确的加密货币。 

Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency, has been around for 11 years, yet people still suspect that it is a scam. It is legal in more than 100 countries around the world. Some of the countries have been using it for daily transaction, why would you think it’s a scam?
Why don’t you understand it before you judge? We often hear about the news of cryptocurrency but we never understand it.
Now let the three founders of David Justin Academy help you to grasp the trend and understand the knowledge of cryptocurrency sector. Learn to avoid risks, aim for the best investment opportunities. Education will lead you to invest the right cryptocurrency.



  • 语言    :中文
  • 规格    :平装/160页 / 双色印刷:144页;全色印刷:16页
  • 出版地:马来西亚
  • ISBN   :978-967-17547-4-0
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